Foundation Day
Foundation Day
November 8, 2022 marks another milestone for Academia de Pulilan, a Project of the City School Holdings International as they stepped to their 20th founding anniversary from the trials brought by the pandemic. The traditional COLOUR FUN RUN was actively participated by Grades 9-10 Junior High School and Senior High School students that started at 5:00am in the morning from Butterfly Haven to our beloved school Academia de Pulilan. After the Color Fun Run, the ZUMBA presentation of Pre-Elementary to Junior High School was thoroughly enjoyed by parents and students eagerly viewing the said event.The MASS DEMONSTRATION of Senior High School Four Houses, the Magenta, Acid Gray, Lavender and Tangerine group was planned on the same day. The essence of unity and camaraderie was shown by the students in their performances.
This is truly seen and proven that Academia de Pulilan enhances students' skills and develops in them living values of cooperation and determination.